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(1 edit) (+2)

Really cool game! Harder than I expected. Everything is balanced really well A+ 10/10 Great work!


I accidentally played day 2 first lol

Thanks so much for playing! Make sure to check out the Day 1 game as well, as most of it came from there that I just refined and added on to for the Game Jam. 


The flashlight mechanic is good, I feel like the game would be too easy otherwise. Also, nice catch with the generator camp cheese where you turn on all of the lights at once. The addition of furniture adds variance to the rooms and makes them easily identifiable.
Some gripes:
-The creature itself is pretty lame once you realize it's a black devil with horns. A possible solution would be to keep the iconic red eyes, but remove the creature's model. The outside lighting would be almost totally removed to make what he looks like ambiguous. When he is at a certain camera, the feed becomes corrupted, which keeps his appearance a mystery. I would keep the iconic red eyes though. Maybe the player could see the creature when they get jumpscared?
-The ending is lackluster and unassuming. I'm not sure what you could add to improve this, but just add something.


Those are pretty good suggestions, I was actually thinking about a lot of those when I was working on it but just couldn't get them all in the 20 hours. The room identification and cheesing methods I tried to counter with the furniture, brownout mechanic and flashlight and I think solved it pretty well. I was thinking about trying to find an 096 model I could freely repurpose to sculpt and recolor since the body proportions are pretty unnerving, but I didn't have the time for it. The ending I admittingly didn't see until halfway through the Game Jam, but it could be more satisfying (like for example if a car outside the house starts up and drives over the camera perspective, switching to the menu once the wheel goes over in a kind of actiony way). Thanks for all the consideration though!

(2 edits) (+1)

I made the enemy model. I am absolutely terrible at humanoid models lol. We tried to make it just the eyes, the creature transparent, etc. It didn't really help. It was a lot better once it was animated, but it still just needs a new model


I love what you did with our game from day 1! I love the flashlight mechanic


Thanks, I spent most of the time trying to perfectly implement that since I knew it was the star of my Day 2 version and I think it worked out pretty well! Great job btw on your Day 1 version, out of every game in the Game Jam for Day 1 I'm pretty sure yours was the best (and I'm a huge sucker for PSX-style games).


thanks for your kind words my dude!


I really love how you respected our original vision and improved on it instead of adding superficial things that are meaningless. Love the generator cheese fix :D


Commenting this to play in the morning!


Awesome, I hope you enjoy it :)


What's the painting in the game from?


The painting is "Saturn Devouring His Son" by Francisco Goya, it doesn't have any actual meaning in the game but I thought it fit the theme of the game pretty well

Forgot to delete the Library folder lol, that's why the source code looks so much larger than the original.

(1 edit) (+1)

Library folder deleted now so 820 mb's are now gone

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I'm working on the game for day 3 rn. Should I delete the library folder too? And if so should I delete it before or after creating the builds

Well basically it's a huge file size folder created automatically when you work on a project, and I accidently uploaded it with the source code but then deleted it to make it quicker to download. If you downloaded it it's perfectly fine since it would have just generated anyways.

Cool! I'm almost ready to submit my additions to the project! Hope ya like it :)

Awesome, I'm excited to see how it's progressed!